Monday, 22 July 2013

Orgasm, 8 facts you must know

About 10% of women have never had an orgasm -- either with a partner or during masturbation More than 70% of women have orgasms as a result of direct clitoral stimulation - and, unlike men, women can enjoy multiples. Women have to experiment and discover the rhythm and pressure combinations that their bodies most pleasurably respond to
Women who feel insecure about their relationship are less likely to orgasm, says Seymour Fisher, author of /The Female Orgasm/. So, stop checking up on him and get sexy instead.   While of course your partner’s performance plays a role, remember that like any relationship challenge, this, too, comes with shared responsibility.

You’re more likely to orgasm with a long-term partner.
While you may think that things with a long-term partner tend to grow icier rather than spicier with time, as far as orgasms go—the opposite is true. Women are less self-conscious, more relaxed and overall more comfortable with someone who knows them inside and out.

There is no evidence to support that condoms prevent or extend the time it takes for a woman to orgasm While condoms might deprive a man of experiencing maximum sexual pleasure. In fact, condoms provide much-needed lubrication, and the fact that some men last significantly longer while wearing condoms could actually give you those precious extra minutes you need to achieve climax.

It’s actually the hormone which controls sexual desire in women. Foods low in carbohydrates and high in protein:  dairy, eggs, poultry and select meat and fish for example, work to raise free testosterone. Among other libido boosting food include, small amounts of dark chocolate can trigger releases of dopamine—a monoamine neurotransmitter which allows humans to experience sexual pleasure.

Of course orgasms can be loud, but every orgasm is different, and their intensity cannot be measured in decibels. While the media has led many to falsely believe that they’ll know a “real orgasm” by its sound, anyone who has experienced a true orgasm knows that the experience can hardly be put into words, let alone sounds.

The average female orgasm lasts between six and 10 seconds - although for some lucky girls it can last up to 20 seconds.

Orgasm gets better with age.
Sure, there are plenty of things to gripe about when it comes to age, but your sex life may actually improve—specifically the quality and frequency of orgasm, reports Dr. Herbenick. “Orgasm becomes easier with age,” she says. “As an example, while 61 percent of women ages 18 to 24 experienced orgasm the last time they had sex, 65 percent of women in their 30s did and about 70 percent of women in their 40s and 50s did.” Though the survey didn't indicate why orgasms come easier with age, we can assume that as women become more sexually experienced, they have more confidence in the bedroom and therefore enjoy themselves more. Additionally, the trust and intimacy that most women experience in long-term relationships can help improve sexual confidence as well.


  1. Hi...I'm 28yrs old n I've never xperience an orgasm wit a guy,I diD Wit a girl when I was much younger dow...I need help

  2. Hello Dr Tango,could you please put a write up on nocturnal emission
