Thursday, 11 July 2013


 One common cause of discomfort during fast is the bad breath and, people with bad breath can experience decrease in self-confidence insecurity in social circles and intimate relationships. This condition, in medical terms, is called Halitosis.                                                               

Causes of bad breath can be classified into two                                               
In most cases (85-90%) the origins of bad breath are from the mouth. The intensity of bad breath however can differ depending on diet and dryness of the mouth, the drier the mouth, the more of a potent smell.  Bad breath is thought to originate mainly from the dorsum of the tongue. In 5-10% of cases bad breath originates from the nose and sinuses. 
Foul odours are mainly produced due to the anaerobic breakdown, by bacteria, of proteins into individual amino acids, followed by the further breakdown of certain amino acids to produce detectable foul gases.
Over 600 types of bacteria can be found in the average mouth, of which several dozen produce high levels of foul odours when incubated in the laboratory. The bacteria are numerous on the floor of the tongue, where they are rather undisturbed by normal activity. This part of the tongue is also quite dry and poorly cleansed, and bacterial populations can thrive on remnants of food deposits.
            Poor oral hygiene or improper tooth brushing technique.
            A dirty tongue.
           Cavities in the teeth.
           Gum disease caused by plaque and tartar.
           Dirty dentures, false teeth and other fixed appliances in the mouth

Brushing one's teeth after every meal, preferably early morning
Flossing one's teeth which mean cleaning between the teeth using special thread called dental floss. Use of toothpicks is not advisable for this purpose.
Using a toothbrush to clean the tongue.
Use of an anti-bacterial mouthwash. A non-alcoholic mouthwash should be used as alcohol causes a dry mouth which can aggravate the problem.
Cavities in the teeth should be filled promptly to prevent food accumulation within them.
Removal of tartar on teeth by a dentist at least once every six months.

OTHER PARTS OF THE BODY ( OR SYSTEMIC CAUSE)-                                                        
Diabetes,Smoking , kidney Disease, Stomach upset are known as systemic causes of bad breath                                                                                                                                                                             

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