Saturday, 20 July 2013


Even a small pot belly can increase the risk of heart disease, scientists warn.
Research from the University of Texas found large waist measurements, relative to hip size, were linked to early signs of heart disease.
This confirms other research that waist size, rather than overall body weight, is a key indicator of heart disease.
The study of 2,744 people suggests that a waist size of 32ins (81cm) for a woman and 37ins (94cm) for a man represents a "significant" raised risk.
The report was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology The authors looked at men and women who underwent medical tests and imaging scans to identify the early signs of atherosclerosis - the narrowing and hardening of the arteries linked to the development of cardiovascular disease

How to get rid of Belly fat
Getting rid of belly fat is the most difficult when you are on your way to lose weight. It is important to understand that there is no quick fix solution other than lap-band surgery, which has its potential dangers. Consuming weight loss pills is also not going to help.
There is only one way to reduce potbelly and to keep it from coming back is a combination of great diet and a professionally designed workout regimen. Your diet should contain unprocessed natural foods that do not convert to fat. Moreover, exercises lead to hormonal and metabolic reaction that burn fat naturally, giving you a firmer stomach that you have always dreamt of. It will not only boost your confidence, but also save you from life threatening diseases.