Alzheimer's disease (AD), also known in medical literature as Alzheimer disease, is the most common form of dementia. There is no cure for the disease, which worsens as it progresses, and eventually leads to death. It was first described by German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906 and was named after him.Most often,
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Clean your teeth...and beat Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer's disease (AD), also known in medical literature as Alzheimer disease, is the most common form of dementia. There is no cure for the disease, which worsens as it progresses, and eventually leads to death. It was first described by German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906 and was named after him.Most often,
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
1.While there's no denying anal sex has a certain kinky charm,
the rectum was designed as an exit, not an entrance
2. Since the rectum doesn't produce natural lubrication like the
vagina does, anal sex risks tearing the rectal walls or the sphincter
COMEDY as cure for Hypertension True or false ?
In the last few decades, researchers have studied laughter's effects on the body and turned up some potentially interesting information on how it affects us:
Monday, 29 July 2013
Did You Know? 10 Sex Facts
Top sex facts
A recent visit to Manhattan's legendary Museum of Sex yielded more than a mob of 18-year-old girls giggling in the foyer – it provided an entertaining and educated look into the history of sex.Sunday, 28 July 2013
Air Conditioners and its Health Risk
problems associated with air conditioners arise out of overuse. With the ease
of fingertip control many people assume that the more they use their unit the
better it will be. However, a study of 770 office staff found people
working in air-conditioned offices are almost two-and-a-half times more likely
to suffer from respiratory infections than those in naturally ventilated
buildings. This study was done by Dr Dan Teculescu and he told the European
Respiratory Society's annual congress in Berlin that findings from his research
support reports of sick building syndrome in the UK,
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle
All older
women know the basics of having a menstrual cycle. However, younger women who
have just started to menstruate may be interested in knowing more about the
specifics attached to theirs. Also known as a period, a woman’s menstrual cycle
is in a nutshell controlled by a delicate, but
regular series of hormonal events, each a different part of either preparing
the body for pregnancy or working to reset the reproduction system to try again
the following month.
How safe is paracetamol
(also known as acetaminophen) is a common and widely used drug. Easily
purchased in chemists and supermarkets, it has become a standard panacea in Nigeria
the ease of access we have to this drug, particularly the fact that it requires
no prescription, can create the false impression that those little white
tablets are completely risk-free.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Masturbation at a Glance
For many
of us, masturbation is a taboo topic. There are many harmful myths about
masturbation that may cause us to feel uncomfortable about it. These myths can
cause guilt, shame, and fear.
Let’s get
the facts straight. Masturbation is a natural and common activity for both
women and men. Here are some common questions people ask about masturbation. We
hope you find the answers helpful.
1. Latex condoms are recommended for the prevention of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
True or
2. Oil-based lubricants like baby oil and Vaseline
are safe to use with latex condoms.
True or
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Office Toilet Etiquette
Office Toilet Etiquette
you are not the only person using the restroom at the workplace. There are
other employees as well.
Toilet Etiquette refers to set of rules an individual needs to follow while
using the office restroom. It is essential to keep toilets clean and
hygienic to avoid transmission of germs and infections. A dirty and
unhygienic toilet is the breeding ground of several diseases.
Let us go
through some office toilet etiquette necessary for an individual to
Smoking and sperm viability
Smoking is bad for health. Period! It also affects
male fertility. In fact, most experts say that male health and fertility is
never considered as important as female health and fertility during conception.
This even
though pregnancy requires both egg and sperm to be in optimal condition.
Smoking is
bad for health. Period! It also affects male fertility. In fact, most experts
say that male health and fertility is never considered as important as female
health and fertility during conception. This even though pregnancy requires
both egg and sperm to be in optimal condition.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
How much sugar is good for me?
As part
of a healthy balanced diet, you should eat foods and drinks high in sugar in small amounts.
foods and drinks can cause tooth decay, especially if you have them between
foods that contain added sugars also contain lots of calories, but often have
few other nutrients. Eating these foods often can contribute to you becoming
overweight. Being overweight can increase your risk of health conditions such
- Heart Disease
- Diabetes
7 Interesting facts about the breast
are probably the most beautiful part of a woman’s body. They can easily be
conunted among one of the first things men notice in women. Women are always
conscious about their breast however with all due respect, they know very
little about them. Apart from arousing sexual desire, breast also symbolize
beauty and femininity
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
The truth about toilet disease
There has
never been a documented case of an STD being transmitted by a toilet seat does
little to dispel the discomfort that most people feel about using a public
restroom. The possibility of contracting a disease from a toilet seat is
theoretically possible,
How to Stop Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation, or ejaculating before you or your
partner wanted to, is a common problem that strikes most men at some point in
their lives. Several factors can influence when ejaculation occurs, but it can
be controlled with some forethought or, in extreme cases, medical intervention.
Here are some strategies for help, listed from easiest to most difficult.
Monday, 22 July 2013
Orgasm, 8 facts you must know
About 10% of women have never had an
orgasm -- either
with a partner or during masturbation More than 70% of women have
orgasms as a result of direct clitoral stimulation - and, unlike men, women can
enjoy multiples. Women have to experiment and discover the rhythm and pressure
combinations that their bodies most pleasurably respond to
Facts about Age and Fertility in women
career and the pursuit of financial stability are reasons that many women these
days delay starting their own family but advanced age does bring its own unique
concerns to the issue of parenthood.
5 reasons why you are not losing weight
loss isn't a simple matter. To succeed, you must change behaviours that are
getting in your way. There are small changes you can incorporate into your
daily routine to achieve your weight-loss goals.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
5 sex mistakes women make
One of
the joys – and the traps – of being in a long-term relationship is that you get
very comfortable with each other, whether it’s on the couch, in the kitchen or
in the bedroom. You know what your partner likes and you don’t have to quietly
stress about the possibility of getting it all wrong.
that’s great when you’re choosing a DVD together, or cooking his favourite
meal, but when it comes to getting your sexy on, being able to fast track your
communication is not always a good thing. Not only can it make our sex lives
something far less than exciting, but we can develop bad habits that are
repeated over the years. Instead discover simple ways you can avoid getting in
a rut with your partner. Here's how:
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Even a small pot belly can increase the risk of heart disease, scientists warn.
Research from the University of Texas found large
waist measurements, relative to hip size, were linked to early signs of heart
This confirms other research that waist size,
rather than overall body weight, is a key indicator of heart disease.
Friday, 19 July 2013
As breast implants has become more popular, the number of myths
surrounding this procedure has risen as well. These rumors have caused many
women to become confused trying to separate fact from fiction. Thankfully, this
article is here to help. What follows is a list of facts and myths about breast
implants. Understanding the truth will help you make a better informed decision
about your breast enlargement surgery.
One of
the least talked about characteristics in choosing a condom you like may be
condom size. Just as not every man is built the same, neither is every condom.
Too small, and the condom could be uncomfortable. Too large, and the condom
could slip off. The second is actually far more of a problem than the first,
because condoms are extremely stretchy. Condoms
come in different sizes and choosing the perfect fit
for you will increase both comfort and their effectiveness in protecting you
from Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Thursday, 18 July 2013
How “Safe” is the safe period?
It is not
reliable as a form of contraception when used on its own, but it can be helpful
both for couples wishing to avoid pregnancy and for those actively trying to
have a baby.
If a
woman's cycle is irregular
then natural family planning will be less reliable.
should also bear in mind that none of the methods that come under the heading
of natural family planning including safe period will protect you from sexually transmitted disease and HIV.
Chemicals in Cosmetics can cause Thyroid Problems
WEDNESDAY, July 17 (HealthDay News) -- Exposure to a class of chemicals used to make a wide range of consumer products can cause changes in thyroid function, according to a new study.
People have widespread exposure to perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), which are used to manufacture items such as fabrics, carpets, cosmetics and paper coatings. These chemicals break down very slowly and take a long time to leave the body.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Weight-Loss Rules for Breakfast
Tuesday, 16 July 2013

1. Eat well, keep it hard: Simple changes in your diet can
increase your libido and give you a harder erection. Foods like bananas, eggs,
nuts, figs, chillies, onions, and wine can increase your sexual prowess. Word
of caution: Steer clear of junk food.
2. Your penis needs exercise: Healthy men are always
sexually active. Exercise is one of the best
ways to increase your sex drive
and sexual potency. It reduces stress which is an erection-killer, and helps
enhance testosterone production in the body. Kegel exercises are a perfect
workout for the penis.
3. Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol: You must have heard
this a million times, smoking and drinking can really affect your sexual life.
Smoking decreases your blood circulation, and results in less lung capacity. It
can impact your ability to get and maintain an erection. And alcohol can numb
the body and lead to
Monday, 15 July 2013
Postinor 2 is a form of emergency contraception. This is not recommended to be used ideally more than two to three times in a month as it does not give the effective level of protection that other methods of contraception offer. Postinor 2 contains the hormone levonorgestrel which prevents an unwanted pregnancy by altering your ovulation pattern and changing the lining of the uterus to make it hostile to implantation of a fertilised egg and also thickens the cervical mucus to render it difficult for sperm to magnate into the upper part of the uterus and tubes where fertilisation takes place. It has to be taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse and one tablet is taken initially then repeated 12 hours later.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
There is
often discussion about whether people with diabetes should fast during Ramadan
or not. There is no straightforward answer to it. It actually depends on the
factors that determine the condition of the patient. For some patients,
especially with medication and complications, it may be very challenging to
keep their sugar within normal range. However, many people with diabetes can
keep their sugar under control by taking extra precautions during Ramadan
Saturday, 13 July 2013
IVF TO COST $260 (N42,000 ) IN NIGERIA
(Reuters) - Belgian doctors have developed a low-cost version of test-tube baby
technology for use in developing countries, where sophisticated Western systems
are unaffordable for most couples.
The researchers
said on Monday their simplified process cost around 200 euros ($260) per cycle
of treatment and delivered results that were not much different to those seen
with conventional in-vitro fertilization (IVF) program.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) now in Lagos
"The Mirabel Centre",
Lagos State Teaching Hospital, Ikeja.
Tel: 0811 555 4877 or 0818 724 3468 or 01-295 7816.
Partnership for Justice is pleased to inform you that our sexual assault referral centre started providing services to victims of rape and sexual assault today.
One common cause of
discomfort during fast is the bad breath and, people with bad breath can
experience decrease in self-confidence insecurity in social circles and
intimate relationships. This condition, in medical terms, is called Halitosis.
Causes of bad breath can be classified
into two
Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding
Many women experience abnormal vaginal bleeding or spotting
between periods sometime in their lives. Vaginal bleeding is
considered to be abnormal if it occurs:
When you are not expecting your menstrual period.
When your menstrual flow is lighter or heavier than what is
normal for you.
At a time in life when it is not expected, such as before
age 10, when you are pregnant, or
After menopause.
Causes of abnormal bleeding
Abnormal vaginal bleeding has many possible causes. By
itself, it does not necessarily indicate a serious condition.
Because bleeding can mean a problem with pregnancy, possible
pregnancy should always be considered in a woman of childbearing age.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Staying healthy during the Ramadan fast
Here are some frequently asked health questions about fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.
Should a person with diabetes fast?
People who have their diabetes under control, either by their diet or using tablets, may fast. However, their GP may require them to change their medication to help them take tablets outside fasting times. Those who need insulin to control their diabetes should not fast.
Promoting Good ‘Sleep Hygiene

Good sleep hygiene can be achieved by following these guidelines:
• Avoid big meals before bedtime. Although eating a large meal can make us feel tired it can also make us feel uncomfortable and therefore prevent us from falling asleep or staying asleep.
How To Get Rid Of Vaginal Odor And Prevention

• Eating plenty of plain yogurt is found to be effective. Make sure that this is organic, unflavored yogurt, especially the non-sugary type. Yogurt is rich in lactobacillus, which helps to restore the normal vaginal pH level, helping to prevent the condition from recurring..
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