Monday, 30 September 2013

The Real Truth About Prostitution

Many statements are made about prostitution: about its nature; about the individuals involved and about how governments should address it. This can often lead to people being misinformed about the reality of prostitution. This write up highlights ten statements commonly made about prostitution and provides additional information to help you distinguish between what is fact and what is fiction.
Myth: Women choose to get involved in prostitution
Fact: Most women become involved in prostitution because of lack of choice and many are groomed, pressured and/or coerced by pimps or traffickers

Friday, 27 September 2013

Can Diabetics Drink Diet Soda(Soft Drinks) ?

Those with diabetes might have the same cravings for the bubbly fizz of soda, but worry that they shouldn't drink regular soda because of the high level of sugar--the average can of soda contains the equivalent of eight teaspoons of sugar. Diet soda, sweetened with NutraSweet or some other artificial sweetener, might provide a safe alternative for diabetics.

When you consume food or drink, your digestive system breaks down the carbohydrates and releases

How Big Is the Average Penis?

Your days of awkward Google searches are over: The average penis is 5.6 inches (14.2 centimeters) long when erect, says new research from the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
(We’ll wait while you go and grab a tape measure.)
Researchers asked guys to measure their penis length and girth in the privacy of their own homes. The researchers told the testers to mark themselves at full mast and report how they got there, whether it was via masturbation, oral sex from a partner, fantasizing, or other means.
Not only did the researchers discover the mean length of an erect penis, but also found that men who received oral sex in order to get their erection reported significantly larger numbers than guys who only fantasized.
What gives? It’s difficult to say. The measurements used for this study were pulled from a larger study that involved testing two types of condoms, so you don’t get much context from the responses—just the facts.
But the facts do reinforce preexisting penis stats. The researchers say that the sizes in their study were consistent with those from previous studies, which suggests that guys are actually pretty honest when it comes to talking about their junk.

Dr Tango is Consultant Physician with facts and Figures Email- Blackberry Pin - 74282d21.Follow us on twitter @Care_Med 

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

All You Need To Know about Abdominal Pain

Just about everybody at one point or another will experience abdominal pain. Most of the causes are not serious and can be readily diagnosed and treated. However, pain can also be a sign of a serious illness. It's important to be able to recognize symptoms that are severe and know when to call a doctor.
What Are the Most Common Causes of Abdominal Pain?
Whether it's a mild stomach ache, sharp pain, or stomach cramps, abdominal pain can have numerous causes. Some of the more common causes include:

Silence, Inaction May Compound Problem of Domestic Violence: Survey

MONDAY, Sept. 23 (HealthDay News) -- Many Americans know victims of domestic, violence or sexual assault but too few talk about the issue or take action to help victims, according to a new survey released Monday.
The survey found that 60 percent of Americans know a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault, but only 42 percent of victims said they received help when they came forward.
The survey also revealed that 54 million Americans have been victims of domestic violence and 32 million have been a victim of sexual assault. Despite those large numbers, there is significant silence and inaction around the issue.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

What are wet dreams? And why do they happen

Have you ever woken up to find a wet, sticky spot on your underwear or PJs? At first you may have worried that you wet the bed. But if you're going through or have already gone through puberty, you probably had a wet dream.
Doctors call wet dreams "nocturnal emissions." Nocturnal means "at night." Emission is another way to say release.
What are wet dreams?

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Some Facts About Energy Drinks

W h a t a r e e n e r g y d r i n k s ?

The term energy drinksrefers to beverages that contain caffeine in combination with other ingredients such as taurine, guarana, and B vitamins, and that claims to provide its consumers with extra energy .  This term was created by companies in the beverage industry  and is not recognized by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA.

I s t h e r e e v i d e n c e t h a t t h e s e e n e r g y d r i n k s i n c r e a s e e n e r g y ?

Monday, 16 September 2013

How can I tell if a doctor is a quack?

Unfortunately, frauds are as numerous and effective today as they were a hundred years ago. In Nigeria a lot of people in the hospital are not actually doctors and they address themselves with so many strange names like, “ I am medical person”.”I am a health worker”. the truth is that if you work in the hospital you will have a designation, like I am a nurse , I am a doctor , I am a pharmacist and all this are professions  that are recognized in the hospital not blanket positions like “medical person”. So the next time you are in the hospital and there is someone you are talking to always ask what their designation is. Here are some tips to identifying impostors

Sunday, 15 September 2013

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Love

I need somebody to love," sang the Beatles, and they got it right. Love and health are intertwined in surprising ways. Humans are wired for connection, and when we cultivate good relationships, the rewards are immense. But we're not necessarily talking about spine-tingling romance.
"There's no evidence that the intense, passionate stage of a new romance is beneficial to health," says Harry Reis, PhD, co-editor of the Encyclopedia of Human Relationships. "People who fall in love say it feels wonderful and agonizing at the same time." All those ups and downs can be a source of stress.
It takes a calmer, more stable form of love to yield clear health benefits. "There is very nice evidence that people who participate in satisfying, long-term relationships fare better on a whole variety of health measures," Reis tells WebMD.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Tips To Preventing Abnormal Vaginal Discharges

  • Wash underwear with hot water every time to kill bacteria. You may also want to avoid fabric softeners when washing your underwear as they can cause allergies or irritation which can lead to infection.
  • Stay hydrated every day. The vagina can become dehydrated right along with the rest of the body and this can create a different smell and different levels of discharge. If you become dehydrated, you are more susceptible to a urinary infection which can lead to a yeast infection, and vice versa.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Should everyone use fluoride toothpaste?

Fluoride is one of those words you may have heard your entire life without understanding exactly what it is. You probably know that it's got something to do with the health of your teeth. For many people, that's where their knowledge of fluoride stops. The first thing you should know about fluoride is that it's a mineral derived from a naturally occurring element called fluorine. Fluorine is the 13th most abundant element on Earth, and you'll find it all around us in the air and water.

examples of verbal emotional abuse from a few victims:

  • I am in a verbally abusive relationship with my husband.  I am called stupid, dumb etc..he even tells me I'm stupid for being with him. . .  My self esteem is in the gutter.
  • My boyfriend always said it was my fault he called me a names. I shouldn't have been late, because he had prepared dinner. . . I BELIEVED him. . . The abuse happens after they have you believe in them. They make you actually think, it's your fault they can't control yourself. . .  I was brainwashed into thinking I'm fat, unattractive, nobody would want me while he was going to go on living his rocking life.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

8 reasons why men watch pornography

1. They enjoy sexual excitement and release and porn delivers.
2. They like sexual variety and porn has an endless selection to choose from.

Here are 4 signs to look for to spot an abusive relationship.

Many women are in an abusive relationship and don't even know it.  At Guy Stuff Counselling we hear every week from women looking for relationship advice.  Many of these women are in an abusive relationship, but just can't see it.
These women often feel confused, lonely, and helpless about their relationship, but don't know that the reason why is because they're in an abusive relationship.  The majority of women we work with aren't in a physically abusive relationship, but instead suffer emotional abuse and verbal abuse, which can be much harder to call out as abusive.
Here are 4 signs to look for to spot an abusive relationship
  1. Living in an atmosphere of fear, intimidation and unpredictability.
  2. Does your spouse react with a violent rage to the slightest upset? If your spouse’s reactions to events are exaggerated then you are living with abuse that is disproportionate to the imaged offense.
  3. The abuser engineer’s impossible, dangerous, unpredictable, unprecedented, or highly specific situations in which he is needed, depended on or considered the only source of authority, knowledge, skills, or useful traits.
  4. Most abusers lack empathy. They dehumanize and treat people like inane objects, extensions of themselves, or instruments to be played as they wish. 
  6. Dr Tango is Consultant Physician with facts and Figures Email- Blackberry Pin - 74282d21.Follow us on twitter @Care_Med  Phone number - 07032452221