Saturday, 17 August 2013

Your Health – When Rest Is Not Enough!

My dad was the type who just believed he would rest and get well. He did not take his health seriously rather he focused on work more than anything else. As a result he developed High blood pressure and Severe Arthritis which became part of his everyday life. He believed in resting to overcome his episodes of “I am not feeling well”.
I came back from University for the Christmas break after my first semester. I came home to meet my father looking unusually frail and this appeared totally different from what we have always known any time he said he was not feeling well. What also surprised me was that he had taken an early leave from work in order to rest. The sight of him scared me deeply because in my whole life, I had never come so close to think I would lose him, and the thought of what life would be like without him around weighed down heavily on me.

It appeared things began to improve for a while during the next few days of the festive period as we all enjoyed Christmas although without the usual enthusiasm of years past where we would go visiting. This year we were indoors all through. However, on Boxing Day, my mother had convinced my usually hospital-reluctant dad to go to the hospital for a check-up. It was just to be a routine thing for maybe Malaria or Typhoid which we thought may have caused his inability to totally recover with his usual rest.

After seeing the Doctor, he was admitted and asked to be on bed rest with all his phones switched off. My father never returned home. His health had suddenly took a turn for the worse towards the last day of the year and 7days later that fear I had had when I saw him in his frailty became a reality.

He died in the morning. I have now come to realize that when others are celebrating, others too may be struggling or mourning. Maybe if he had taken his health more seriously or if we had noticed the changes in his health earlier things could have being different. One sure lesson is that families should prepare for any eventuality. Simple illnesses could just suddenly become complicated and may have underlining causes which may not be known immediately. People should take life and their health more seriously.

The story was contributed by @lordfelixjnr , you can also share your health related stories on our blog. You can send us a mail pin-Blackberry Pin - 2AD2AA05 Phone number - 07032452221

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