Wednesday, 2 October 2013


After having issues with my best friend over something that really dint matter,I realized I was over reacting and suddenly very emotional.this was very unlike me,and is was becoming a pattern of behaviour so I had to look it up.I discovered I had pre menstrual syndrome.

Medical definitions of PMS are limited to a consistent pattern of emotional and physical symptoms occurring only during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle that are of "sufficient severity to interfere with some aspects of life". In particular, emotional symptoms must be present consistently to diagnose PMS. The specific emotional and physical symptoms attributable to PMS vary from woman to woman, but each individual woman's pattern of symptoms is predictable, occurs consistently during the ten days prior to menses, and vanishes either shortly before or shortly after the start of menstrual flow.

More than 200 different symptoms have been associated with PMS, but the three most prominent symptoms are irritability, tension, and dysphoria (unhappiness).Common emotional and non-specific symptoms include stress, anxiety, difficulty in falling asleep (insomnia), headache, fatigue, mood swings, increased emotional sensitivity, and changes in libido.Well,it really doesn't have to come in d same pattern.different bodies nd different reactions to PMS,some people might try to relate menstrual pain,body ache and joints pain to PMS,but they have nothing in common.
The risk factors are:
High caffeine intake
Stress may precipitate condition
Increasing age
History of depression
Family history
Dietary factors (Low levels of certain vitamins and minerals, particularly magnesium, Vitamin B-6, manganese, zinc,vitamin E and also Vitamin D)
There may be a genetic aspect to the probability of having pre menstrual syndrome: it has been shown that the likelihood of both identical twins suffering from PMS is higher than with fraternal twins.

Having PMS can be very frustrating,because it literally ruins your day.the mood swings,the might just want to lay in bed and sleep all gets worse when you upset your loved ones who are probably ignorant about what you are going through.Many treatments have been suggested for PMS, including diet or lifestyle changes, and other supportive means.

Supportive therapy includes evaluation, reassurance, and informational counselling, and is an important part of therapy in an attempt to help the patient regain control over her life. In addition, aerobic exercise has been found in some studies to be helpful. Some PMS symptoms may be relieved by leading a healthy lifestyle: Reduction of caffeine, sugar, and sodium intake and increase of fibre, and adequate rest and sleep.
This write was from Gift Mbonu 
Her Twitter  handle is @ the_khristabel


  1. Perhaps this should be thought in schools now, so that everyone is aware that it really exists.

  2. Perhaps this should be thought in schools now, so that everyone is aware that it really exists.

  3. Kinda true maybe...every girl should read dis sha.

  4. It exist in everywoman and it shld be discussed @all level. Proper education is required to handle pms cases rightly.

  5. Nice...very interesting and educating

  6. True talk. Cute famfy, y don't u open ur own blog!

  7. So all dis happens to a woman ? I never new. Am aware of just few,like's educating anyway.

  8. Exactly what its all about..Nicely written.

  9. No wonder she slapped me just because i asked how she was doing....jeez

  10. Wow,I never knew I had it too.I experience most of the symptoms
