Wednesday, 9 October 2013

High Heel Shoes, A Tontolet shares her Experience

Being a girl is not easy, that's a common phrase we hear every day. Is it true or false??? Well growing up my mum would force me to make my hair, and amidst the tears she'd tell me 'My dear, beauty is pain'.

Same goes with shoes, almost every girl is a lover of shoes, as a matter of fact 90% of females would agree to being addicted to shoes. There is something about how sexy a girl looks wearing heels; it’s undeniable you’d find a girl on heels sexier than the one on flats.

What we fail to understand is, when your feet hurt? Your whole body hurts, your feet can cause pain in your legs, hips, back, etc. Theres probably nothing wrong with wearing high heels for a special occasion, but your body isnt well suited for daily stiletto trauma so sweetie kindly save yourself the stress.
Here are some ways sky high heels damage our system:

1)      Foot pain- The most obvious way that improper footwear affects your body is by causing pain directly at the source - your feet. Resting all of your body weight directly on the balls of your feet is a recipe for pain and disaster. It can also leave ugly bumps and toe injuries that leave your feet looking less feminine.

2)      Ankle pain- If youve ever fallen off of a pair of four inch heels, as I have, then you know that your footwear can lead to pain, weakness and even sprains in the ankle. And believe me when I tell you that absolutely no one has any sympathy for a woman who sprains her ankle while wearing high heels. Im still living that down.

3)      Spinal pain- Regularly wearing high heels can affect the natural curve of your spine. Thats because the lower back becomes more arched than normal when youre standing on your toes. And the higher the heel, the greater the arch. Spend too much time in stilettos and you can actually affect your natural arch, leading to pain in the lower back.

4)      Constricted blood vessels- Because high heels are designed to be sleek and thin, they squeeze your feet into the game too. This means that the blood flow to the foot is constricted, which can lead to swollen blood vessels. And nothing looks sexier than swollen blood vessels above a three inch kitten heel, right?

5)      Calf pain- While the initial pain in your calves may fade once you learn how to walk in heels and get used to moving your body in the unnatural way that sky high shoes require, the stress doesnt end there. Protruding veins in the calves are a problem that many heel wearers have to struggle with

Well I'm not your fairy godmother and I wouldn't know the types of shoes that'll fit perfectly like Cinderella’s, but if I was to give any advice? I’d advise you choose comfort over everything. Go for comfortable shoes today and be free from the leg trauma.

This write was from Gift Mbonu 
Her Twitter  handle is @ the_khristabel


  1. Comfort over everything=heart over looks

  2. Some good comfortable heels cld do, not the ones that make u suffer and smile and walk in funny ways, man knw thyself beauty is pain sha. Mz bee
