Saturday, 22 February 2014

Brown Blood During Period, Should i be worried ?

Seeing brown blood during period can be quite alarming. Blood, including menstrual blood, is supposed to be red, right? But many women do not realize that blood can indeed turn brown. And, for the most part, seeing brown menstrual blood is nothing to worry about.
 During menstruation, your body sheds your uterine lining. The body also sheds blood from when the lining pulls away from the inside of the uterus. The menstrual blood and tissue flow down from the uterus through the small opening in the cervix and passes out of the body through the vagina.
When the menstrual blood flows out of the body quickly, the color will be red on heavier days or pink on lighter days. Sometimes, however, a woman notices black or brown blood during period. Darker-colored menstrual blood usually just means that the blood is flowing out of the body at a slower rate. Older blood turns brown — or even black — and is typically not a sign that anything is wrong.
I personally tend to have long menstrual periods that last up to seven or eight days. At first, the blood flows quickly, appearing bright in color. However, by the end of my period, the flow slows down significantly. As menstruation draws to an end, I notice more and more brown blood. Since the pattern of red to brown is normal for me, I do not worry about the change in color during my periods.
For the most part, brown menstrual blood is nothing to worry about. Darker colored blood during a period usually just means that a woman's flow has slowed down and the blood is sitting around longer, giving it a chance to change colors.

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 Have you ever experienced unusual changes during your period? Share with us, send us a mail or Tweet at us @Care_Med

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  1. We have recently posted a detailed article about this. Please feel free to link to the article if you find this useful to your readers
