Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Health Benefits of Beans.... Why you must always eat beans

Beans provide good nutrition. Raw bean sprouts or cooked beans provide protein, vitamins and fiber. Here are some of the lesser known facts of bean nutrition.
1) Beans Help Prevent Cancer
Besides being a good source of protein and vitamins, beans can help prevent cancer. Here's how:

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Tips To Preventing Constipation during Festive Period (Includig a list of foods that help Releive Constipation )

Irregular bowel movements or constipation can be a very irritating complaint to deal with and is one of the most common conditions associated with the digestive system.

Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement less than three times a week, often painful and accompanied by straining, bloating and the sensation of a full bowel. If you feel the same way when you don’t have a bowel movement every day, you could be suffering from constipation.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Tips to Stay Healthy This Rainy Season

We can’t just sing rain, rain go away to shun the heavy downpours these days. We have to prepare and protect our health and those of our loved ones, what with work and school in full gear.
Always bring your umbrella
Getting wet from a sudden downpour can cause sudden change with body temperature that may lead to fever and colds. To avoid getting sick, don’t forget to bring your umbrella with you wherever you go. It’s not only the best rain gear, but also a sickness shield against cough, colds or fever when you’re caught up on a rainy day.
Eat healthy

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Abstinence, Early sex, Virginity and Sexual Problems>>> Dr Tango’s View

Early initiation of sexual intercourse was associated with various sexual risk factors, including increased numbers of sexual partners and sexual intercourse under the influence of alcohol, whereas late initiation was associated with fewer risk factors. However, both early and late initiation were

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

vaginal rejuvenation, "designer vagina" "revirgination," and "G-spot amplification >>> Are they medically possibe ?

There have been an increasing number of practitioners offering various types of vaginal surgeries marketed as ways to enhance appearance or sexual gratification. Among the types of procedures being promoted are so-called "vaginal rejuvenation," "designer vaginoplasty," "revirgination," and "G-spot amplification."