1. Worldwide, more than 273,000 women die from cervical cancer
annually -- 9% of the global cancer death toll for females.
2. Infection with HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer,
and in 2006 the FDA licensed the first vaccine against the virus.
Gardasil® targets HPV strains 16 and 18, thought to cause 70% of
cervical cancers, as well as strains 6 and 11, thought to be responsible
for 90% of cases of genital warts. The vaccine is recommended for
females aged 11 to 26, but can be given to girls as young as 9.
3. Clinical trials of Gardasil® have so far involved over 11,000
females aged 9 to 26 and they have revealed no serious side effects. The
FDA and CDC are monitoring the safety and efficacy of the drug.
4. Due to a lack of research in women over 26