Friday, 14 November 2014

shaving hair in private area and your health

The most common way to remove the hair is by shaving, according to a new study, published in the

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology . It’s nothing we couldn’t have guessed – waxing isn’t just painful, it’s expensive and time-consuming.

But what is surprising is that the research also found 60 per cent of women had at least one health complication incurred from pubic hair removal, typically epidermal abrasion (invisible cuts to the skin) and ingrown hairs. It was also shown to cause severe skin irritation, infections and – according to an older study – increase the spread and transmission of STIs.
It’s pretty shocking stuff to think that shaving your bikini line could leave you in hospital, or at a higher risk of catching genital warts. But just how likely is it? Is shaving your bikini line really that bad, or is it OK to carry on?
What are the dangers in hair removal?
1) Hair removal can give you abscesses

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Diabetes in children: what to look out for

Type 1 diabetes in children, previously called juvenile diabetes, occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce enough of the hormone insulin. Children with the condition will require lifelong insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring, and a change in diet may be needed.
Type 2 diabetes, although less common in very young children, can occur when not enough insulin is produced or it is not working properly. As a result, glucose can accumulate in the bloodstream. The condition can often be managed through a change in diet, increasing exercise and maintaining a

Monday, 6 October 2014

Teen 'Sexting' Often Precedes Actual Sex: Study

By Amy Norton

MONDAY, Oct. 6, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- For some teenagers, "sexting" may be a stepping stone to actually having sex, a new study suggests.
Past research has found that, not surprisingly, teenagers who send and receive sexually explicit text messages are more likely to be sexually active than their peers who don't "sext."
But the new findings suggest that for some kids, the sexting comes first, researchers report in the Oct. 6 online edition of Pediatrics.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

9 Facts About Aging That Will Actually Get You Excited

Aging brings turkey necks, "senior moments" and sagging bodies. Sounds pretty dismal, right? It would -- if that represented the complete picture. In actuality, growing older for most people isn't all that bad, even in our youth-obsessed culture. In fact, it can be quite spectacular on many fronts. Below are nine aging facts that will actually make you feel great about the multitude of candles on your cake. Have anything to add? Let us know in comments.
You most likely are happier than you used to be.

One recent study found that people were happiest in youth and then again in their 70s and early 80s. They were least happy during middle age. A similar study out of the University of Chicago found that levels of happiness climbed between the ages of 65 and 85 -- and beyond. Why? Some experts believe it is because older people are able to tap into the toolbox of social and emotional instincts they've built with experience. “It’s a very encouraging fact that we can expect to be happier in our early 80s than we were in our 20s,” Andrew J. Oswald, a professor of psychology at Warwick Business School, told the New York Times. “And it’s not being driven predominantly by things that happen in life. It’s something very deep and quite human that seems to be driving this.”
In some ways, your mind may actually be sharper.

A University of Illinois study found that older air traffic controllers excelled at their mentally tough jobs -- and performed as well as younger peers -- because they were so good at navigation and at handling several airplanes at once. In short, they were able to overcome any weaknesses by tapping into their wealth of experience. For those of you worried about staying sharp, challenge your brain by performing mental exercises and don't buy in to the negative stereotypes associated with aging and memory.
You are able to handle social conflicts more effectively.

A University of Michigan study found that older people are better at reasoning when it comes to social dilemmas and conflicts. When presented with various stories about conflict, they specifically are more adept at understanding different perspectives, suggesting compromises and coming up with several reasonable resolutions.
age group. As the ranks swell even more, older people will have a lot more clout in the years to come than ever before.
You are probably enduring fewer migraines.

Studies show that migraines become less frequent and less severe as you age. Indeed the nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and other symptoms seem to subside as you grow older. Migraines are most common between your teenage years and the age of 50.
Your sex life may be better.

Studies show that satisfaction in the bedroom actually grows stronger with age, even if you experience a drop in sexual desire. More specifically, one study out of the University of California, San Diego found that the majority of women aged 60 to 89 were moderately to very satisfied with their sex lives. Even so, doctors say that vaginal dryness and impotence can still present a problem to older adults.
You aren't nearly as stressed as you used to be.

No doubt everyone experiences stress, no matter what their age. But the good news is that people over 65 report having less stress. Although they do cite health concerns, worries over work, money and family subside. Meanwhile, those between the ages of 35 and 49 are the most stressed, followed by people aged 25 to 34.
Your marriage is stronger.

Studies have discovered that marriage actually gets better in old age. One reason is that long-time couples learn how to express more affection, especially after the kids leave home. Another reason is that the stresses of marriage in middle age actually brought couples closer together as the years went on. Being happily married is definitely a good thing as satisfied couples are more likely to enjoy better mental and physical health than their not-so-happy friends.
You like your job more.

In one recent study, 92 percent of workers aged 50 or older report being very or somewhat satisfied with their job. Compare that with those under 30; only 80 percent of this group reports the same thing. Only 38 percent of young adults admit being very satisfied with their work, while 63 percent of those 65 and older say they are deeply satisfied. Why the difference? Experts say it's most likely because older workers have already made it up the corporate ladder to positions they enjoy more.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

37 Things You’ll Regret When You’re Old

1. Not traveling when you had the chance.

Traveling becomes infinitely harder the older you get, especially if you have a family and need to pay the way for three-plus people instead of just yourself.

2. Not learning another language.

You’ll kick yourself when you realize you took three years of language in high school and remember none of it.

3. Staying in a bad relationship.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Top 10 Best Tips on How To Prevent Ebola Virus Spread

1: You are expected to wash your hands regularly, and you must wash both the front and back up to your elbow.
2: It’s very important that you use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol as often as possible when water is not available, because the Virus can’t stand Alcohol.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014


Extremely large breasts can cause numerous problems, not just aesthetically. One study of 31 women who had breast reduction surgery found that 81 percent had neck and back pain, 77 percent had shoulder pain, 58 percent had chafing or rash, 45 percent reported significant limitation in their activity, and 52 percent were unhappy with their appearance.

Interestingly, while the researchers found some connection to the women's weight and physical problems, they found most of the concerns were related more to their breast size than to being overweight.

Having said that, however, I understand how difficult it can be to lose the weight when your breasts are so large that they get in the way of your exercising. Maybe swimming might be a good option, since the weightlessness of the water will take some of the pressure off.

It's also important that you understand that although breast reduction surgery is a common and relatively safe procedure, there are some risks and possible complications. For instance, there may be changes in the way your breasts and nipples feel sensation. If the blood supply is decreased, the nipple area or areas of skin may actually slough off. One way to reduce your risk of complications is to quit smoking. One study found the risk of complications after breast reduction surgery was three times higher in smokers than nonsmokers.
Several different surgical procedures can be used for breast reduction surgery. The one your surgeon uses depends, in part, on how large your breasts are. After the surgery, you will usually wear a post-surgical bra for four weeks, and shouldn't lift anything heavy during that time.

  Dr Tango is a  Consultant Physician with facts and Figures Email- Blackberry Pin - 74282d21

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Why The Ambulance Driver wants (Should) to be called "Doctor" in Nigeria

For a longtime now I have come across so many articles and reports in the national dailies and in online social media on the rife in the health sector which centers mainly on the row between doctors and non-doctors working in the healthcare system. Most of these reports and articles, mostly lopsided, have one common denominator, presenting the Doctor as an enemy of the people and the manner of their submissions is such as to draw undue sympathy from the unsuspecting public. But for the neutral members of the society who have had cause to have sufficient contact with the hospital environment, I’m not talking of some quasi journalists, they need not be told, if there are, who the 

Angels and Demons are.
This article is not aimed at indicting or exonerating any of the two

Monday, 16 June 2014

Why You Should Never Share Your Toothbrush


•    Don't EVER share your toothbrush! A single toothbrush can have 10 million bacterial living on it. Certain Bacteria is contagious. Flu virus, Herpes Simplex 1 (Cold Sores), Streptococci Bacteria (Strep), E. Coli, Coli form Bacteria, Candida (yeast), hepatitis A, B and C, even gum disease can be contagious. Your mouth is like an amusement park for bacteria. Viruses can survive for many days on a toothbrush.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Is It safe to Drink Your Urine ?

Drinking urine when no other liquid is available—particularly fresh, safe drinking water—may be a matter of survival. Urine is largely comprised of water that has been filtered through the body as part of the body’s ongoing process of flushing out waste products.

But what about the use of urine as a medicinal substance

Sunday, 11 May 2014


Hello people, i have something lovely for you , lets call it a freebie, if you find it difficult to smile in public due to your dentition  or you have dental flaws, don't worry about all that, just keep calm and join project smile,