Thursday, 28 November 2013

5 Foods That Cause Poor Sleep

Many food supplements, which have some benefits, may cause insomnia and a host of other diseases. Often, these foods produce chemicals in the brain causing insomnia. Since insomnia is a very common disorder affecting modern society, we need to understand ways to overcome it. Sound sleep could be achieved by making changes in our diet and lifestyle. Let’s find out how.

Caffeine: We use caffeine in one way or another every day. It's a very common supplement that acts as a stimulant to the brain. Caffeine supplements energize brain cells and improve memory, but sometimes caffeine-induced overstimulation kills sleep. Tea, coffee, chocolate, and caffeinated supplements all contain more or less amounts of caffeine and should be avoided to overcome insomnia.

Refined carbohydrates: They are energy-providing supplements. It is better to avoid sugary food supplements before sleep if you want to have a sound sleep. Refined carbohydrates are devoid of vitamin B. This decreases serotonin levels that make it tough for the brain to relax, thus hampering sound sleep.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG):
Many food supplements contain this chemical. It is used as a preservative in processed foods. It causes stimulation of the brain and sometimes headache. Overindulgence in junk food rich in MSG is a significant cause of sleep disorder in teenagers. It is recommended that those suffering from insomnia should avoid food with MSG.

Initially, alcohol can be very relaxing and can act as a sedative. But, larger dosages or prolonged usage cause overstimulation and lead to sleep problems. Thus, alcoholics experience nightmares and drowsiness. This can be quite concerning, since it disturbs the person from getting sound sleep in the long run. Many alcoholics exhibit daytime drowsiness and poor concentration because of a lack of sound sleep at nights, which can cause serious social and economic problems.

Tyramine: Tyramine-rich foods like eggplant, tomato, fermented food, cheese, etc., increase the release of the chemical norepinephrine, which causes alertness in the brain. This overstimulation retards sound sleep. These foods are also linked with problems like migraine attacks, palpitations, high blood pressure, and poor concentration.

It is important to note that apart from avoiding these foods, changes in lifestyle like practicing meditation, walking, relaxation exercises, and avoiding stress can also be helpful in getting sound sleep.

Dr Tango is Consultant Physician with facts and Figures Email- Blackberry Pin - 74282d21

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Non communicable diseases and the Nigerian Entertainment industry

Non communicable diseases and the Nigerian Entertainment industry

by African_Health  health magazine 
I know what you are thinking. What does the Nigerian entertainment industry have to do with Non-communicable diseases? I will elaborate further but first; let me tell you what a non-communicable disease is.

non-communicable disease, or NCD, is a medical condition or disease which is non-infectious. NCDs are diseases of long duration and generally slow progression. They include heart disease, stroke, cancer, asthma, diabetes, chronic kidney disease just to mention a few.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

how do you know when a sore throat is more serious?

  • If there are problems swallowing or breathing.
  • If there's excessive drooling among younger children.
  • If there's a temperature higher than 38 centigrade .
  • If there are patches of pus on the back of the throat.
  • If a skin rash develops.
  • If there is blood in the phlegm or saliva.
  • If there are symptoms of dehydration, including fatigue, dry mouth, infrequent urination or no tears.
  • If there has been exposure to someone with strep throat
  • .Consultant Physician with facts and Figures Email- Blackberry Pin - 74282d21

Monday, 18 November 2013

5 Causes of feminine odor

Most women experience feminine issues from time to time. Unfortunately, the fact that they're common doesn’t make them any less embarrassing. Feminine odor is especially frustrating, because it can leave you feeling unclean and gross, even if that’s not the case. There are lots of causes for feminine odor, but here are the top five culprits.


Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) sounds like a big scary term, but it’s actually very common. In fact, BV is the most common cause of vaginal odor, according to the Mayo Clinic.

What stress does to your body

Every vagina is filled with naturally occurring bacteria, and BV is simply an overgrowth of that bacteria. According to Mary M. Galenberg, M.D., OB-GYN for the Mayo Clinic, most women in their reproductive years will experience at least one case of BV. The cause is unknown, but unprotected sex and frequent douching can put you at a higher risk. Other symptoms include itching, soreness and discharge.
Some cases of BV will go away on their own, but Planned Parenthood recommends that all women with BV symptoms visit their doctor for treatment to prevent rare but serious complications. Treatment for BV is usually as simple as a course of antibiotics.


Yeast infection

A yeast infection is also very common (and very uncomfortable!). They present much like BV, with the addition of a thick, white discharge. Yeast infections don’t require antibiotics and instead can be treated with one- or three-course vaginal anti-fungal treatments. Your doctor may also recommend a one-time oral anti-fungal treatment.


Symptoms of a yeast infection

Treatment for yeast infections has become very simple and can even be purchased over-the-counter. Most of these treatments tend to get messy, so it’s better to use them overnight.
Galenberg recommends you visit your doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms but have never been diagnosed with a yeast infection, as well as if treatment doesn’t resolve the symptoms or you get four or more infections in one year.


Sexually transmitted diseases

Some STDs can cause feminine odor, the most common being chlamydia and gonorrhea. Both diseases are common and easy to treat, but can cause serious complications if they go untreated. Unfortunately, both are also often undiagnosed because they may or may not produce symptoms. The most common symptoms of chlamydia and gonorrhea include painful urination and puss-like discharge, although an unpleasant odor is often present as well. See your doctor immediately if you are experiencing any of these symptoms and avoid risk by abstaining or using protection during sex.


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) occurs when bacteria (usually sexually transmitted) travel through the vagina into the uterus. It is often a late-stage result of an undiagnosed STD, such as chlamydia. PID usually isn’t diagnosed until you experience chronic pain or have trouble getting pregnant because it often doesn’t have symptoms. If symptoms of PID do present, they may include pelvic pain, odor, heavy discharge, fever, fatigue, painful intercourse or painful urination.
PID can often be treated with antibiotics, though it may leave behind scar tissue that has lasting effects. According to Galenberg, lasting effects might include chronic pain, infertility or ectopic pregnancies.


Poor feminine hygiene

It’s possible that the cause for your feminine odor may be nothing more than poor hygiene. We’ve got a lot of complicated parts down there, and caring for them isn’t always easy. Make sure you’re covering all your bases to keep your lady parts fresh and clean.
First and foremost, make sure you’re washing thoroughly every day. Women have oil and sweat glands in the vaginal area that, while completely natural, can cause odor if not attended to. Use mild, fragrance-free soaps, because anything else can upset that sensitive area and lead to even more troubles. Make sure you wipe from front to back after using the restroom and wear clean underwear every day, even if you don’t have time to shower.

 Dr Tango is Consultant Physician with facts and Figures Email- Blackberry Pin - 74282d21

Friday, 8 November 2013

Regular brushing protects against strokes and heart attacks

Potentially fatal bacteria in the mouth can be eliminated by regular brushing

REGULARLY brushing your teeth can prevent the clogging of arteries that may lead to heart attacks and strokes, scientists have said.

They have found the most compelling evidence yet that cleaning and flossing helps to combat bacteria that can cause hardening of the arteries.

Breast Cancer QnA 14th November 2013 between 6-7pm #BreastCancerQnA

Breast Cancer QnA 14th November 2013 between 6-7pm join in on twitter follow @care_med for more details

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Vaginal dryness: causes and cures

What is it?
Your vagina should naturally be moist. This moisture is mainly produced by two glands - known as Bartholin's glands - at the neck of the womb, and moves slowly down through the vagina, removing dead cells and harmful bacteria. It is slightly acidic to help fight off infections, such as thrush. When women are sexually aroused, the glands produce extra moisture to provide lubrication.
However, many women suffer from vaginal dryness, which can make sex painful or difficult - and can also cause extra discomfort during tampon insertion or smear tests. In more serious cases, women may experience pain or itching when urinating, exercising or even just sitting down. The condition can also puts you at increased risk of infection.

Friday, 1 November 2013

The 10 Questions You should always ask your Doctor

A simple question can help you feel better, let you take better care of yourself, or save your life. The questions below can get you started.
  1. What is the test for?
  2. How many times have you done this procedure?
  3. When will I get the results?
  4. Why do I need this treatment?
  5. Are there any alternatives?
  6. What are the possible complications?
  7. Which hospital is best for my needs?
  8. How do you spell the name of that drug?
  9. Are there any side effects?
  10. Will this medicine interact with medicines that I'm already taking?
 Consultant Physician with facts and Figures Email- Blackberry Pin - 74282d21